Sunday, August 2, 2009


Are you good in speaking in English or Filipino language? Maybe yes, maybe not.
Last time our school launched a campaign headed by the English Department together with the Filipino Department with the title, "Speak to me in English or Filipino" or in Filipino, "Kaibigan, usap tayo gamitin natin Ingles o Filipino". The main purpose of this campaign is to trained the students to speak in English or Fililpino language. Because we cannot deny that only few Fililpinos can speak in English correctly and continuously. This campaign helps us to be a good speaker in English or Filipino language. As soon as we are young yet, we must learn this language because in the future we can use this to communicate with other people. But I want to focus in English language because I know that Filipino language is easy to learn not like English. In learning English language, we need more time because as many people says it is hard to speak in English with correct grammar. In searching for a job, we use English language. In going to other country, still we use English to communicate with other people.
As we all know, English is the universal language, so it is important to use this properly.

1 comment:

  1. .,hELOo!
    .,nIcE bLOgG..
    .,kEep up tHE gOod wORk.,
